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Welcome back Year 12

From our Head of Senior School, Rev Stephen Edwards:

I have a confession to make! On Saturday morning I was visiting our Director of Boarding and Boarding Housemasters to drop off a small gift to say thank you for all the time and energy they had spent on getting our boys back. They have left no stone unturned so that most of our Year 12 Boarders can return.

I got a bit carried away, and before I knew it, there I was shaking hands to express my appreciation. When we realised what we were doing, we looked around like naughty schoolboys to make sure that we had not been caught!

Don’t get me wrong, for I am not wanting to flout the COVID-19 protocols that have been one of the reasons that Australia has so far been spared experiences as seen in the US, England, Canada and other like countries.

The Year 12 dayboys began their first day back with a morning briefing from their Housemaster about these protocols, and as the boarders began arriving at School during the day, these protocols will be reinforced at their Monday evening meeting. Of course, we cannot promise that the Coronavirus will not strike at The King’s School, but we will do all that is reasonably practical to lower the risk of infection.

We are thrilled that our Year 12 boys are back. We have missed them, and we want to give each boy every opportunity to experience a wonderful Year 12 and to gain the most they can from their final months of schooling. However, now is not the time for complacency and we will move slowly, but surely, to return staff and students back to the place we love.

As I went home and washed my hands after my “illegal” hand shaking, I reflected on how much I do miss this expression of greeting or thanks. I know some people think it is an appalling, custom but I love it. I hope we can eventually get back to it! But for the time being, “social distancing” is important. I much prefer the phrase “physical distancing”, as we never want to lose the connection that we have with others, although we may not be able to be physically close to each other. One thing I am delighted about is the connection with our Year 12s that we can further develop, now that they are back at school. I’ll be tempted to shake their hands – but I’ll resist – but they certainly will receive a huge smile from us and an enormous WELCOME BACK!

5 May 2020

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